Good morning, I'm having a problem that the X axis color is not as defined in PNG output. As you can see in the attachments, the X axis color is grey in the SAS output which is the color I want, but in the PNG output it is still black. Could someone help me with it? Thanks. Here is my code: data anno; drawspace = 'GraphPercent'; function = 'Rectangle'; cornerradius=0.1; linestyleelement='GraphAxisLines'; TRANSPARENCY=0.5; Border=NOborder; retain x1 y1 50 height width 100 widthunit 'Percent'; run; ods graphics on/reset IMAGENAME ="&sheet.." IMAGEFMT =PNG width=8in height=2in; goptions device=png gsfname=graphout; PROC SGPLOT DATA = T1&sheet. sganno=anno dattrmap=attrmap noborder; Scatter Y=NAME X = MY2R/markerAttrs=(size=6mM) group=MY2 attrid=MY2 datalabel=MY2R DATALABELATTRS=(size=8.5pt Family=ArialNarrow weight=bold COLOR=White) DATALABELPOS=CENTER transparency=0.1; XAXIS DISPLAY=(NOTICKS) TICKVALUEFORMAT=data VALUEATTRS=(color=grey) label=' '; YAXIS DISPLAY=(NOTICKS noline) LABEL = ' ' labelattrs=(color=White) valueattrs=(size=12pt Family=Arial color=black) GRID gridattrs=(color=WhiteSmoke) MINORGRIDATTRS=(color=green pattern=longdash thickness=2); keylegend 'Percent'/noborder; title "&sheet."; run;
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