The former code using proc genmod was, for instance, as follows: model filled/nij= ecotype nitrogen ecotype*nitrogen/dist=binomial link=logit type3; lsmeans ecotype nitrogen/diff; ods output lsmeans=lsm; data prob_hat; set lsm; phat=exp(estimate)/(1+exp(estimate)); se_phat=phat*(1-phat)*stderr; proc print data=prob_hat; run; This code yielded lsm probability for treatments and standard error of the lsm probabilities. The current code is: model fille/nij=ecotype nitrogen ecotype*nitrogen/dist=binomial link=logit type 3; lsm ecotype nitrogen/diff; proc print; run; but this code produces the standard error not in the original unities but in the logit ones. Is there any way to obtain directly the standard error in the original unities?
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