Thank you for the answer. I did try in a previous iteration this solution. It could work if I want to respect the proportion related to the y-axis range but 90% of the data are in the range 0-300 with some outliers in the range 1000-1500. Therefore, I want to expand the visibility in the range 0-300 (ie 90% of the final figure) and reduce/compress the apparent proportion for the outliers (ie 10%) (see attached figure using GTL) and the following code. proc template; define statgraph brokenlineplot; begingraph; /* Here we are reporting scattergraph */ layout lattice / rows = 2 rowweights=(.2 .8) rowdatarange=union rowgutter=2; /* 1st row with "outliers" reported in this area with (xvar,yvar2) values */ /* You have to define new ymin (ie ymin1) and new ymax (ie ymax1) for this row with new list of tick values (ie step1) */ layout overlay / xaxisopts = (display= none linearopts=(viewmin = &xmin. viewmax=&xmax.)) /* No values for x-Axis should be displayed */ yaxisopts= (display= (ticks tickvalues) linearopts=( viewmin = &ymin1. viewmax = &ymax1. tickvaluesequence=(start= &ymin1. end = &ymax1. increment = &step1.) ) ); scatterplot x = &xvar. y = yvar2; %if %length(&xrefline.) %then %do; /*I added this reference line which is the only one cutting the 1st row of the lattice */ referenceline x = &xrefline. / lineattrs=(color=grey pattern=dash) ; %end; endlayout; /* 2nd row without outliers reported in this area with (xvar,yvar2) values */ /* You have to determine ymin and ymax for this row with new list of tick values */ layout overlay / xaxisopts=(display= all label = "&xlabel." /* offsetmin=0*/ linearopts=( viewmin = &xmin. viewmax=&xmax. tickvaluesequence=(start= &xmin. end = &xmax. increment = &xstep.) ) ) yaxisopts= (display=all label= "&ylabel." linearopts=( viewmin = &ymin. viewmax = &ymax. tickvaluesequence=(start= &ymin. end = &ymax. increment = &step.) ) ); scatterplot x = &xvar. y = &yvar. ; %if %length(&yrefline.) %then %do; referenceline y=&yrefline. / lineattrs=(color=grey pattern=dash); %end; /*I added this line to have both reference line at x = 0 */ %if %length(&xrefline.) %then %do; referenceline x=&xrefline. / lineattrs=(color=grey pattern=dash); %end;; endlayout; endlayout; /*%end;*/ endgraph; end; run; proc sgrender data= BrokenLine template=brokenlineplot; run; quit; Where the ranges for each row are dynamically determined
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