How can I make x axis values look bigger? Code is provided below: goptions reset=all colors=(black) device=SASEMF target=CGMOF97L gunit=pct hby=3 fby=hwcgm005 rotate=landscape xmax=24cm ymax=17cm xpixels=1800 ypixels=1300 autosize=on gsfmode=append goutmode=append htext=2.0 htitle=3 ftext= 'simplex' ftitle= 'simplex' noborder; title2 j=c h=2 "Number"; axis1 label = (a=90 justify=center h=2 "Concentration") %if ¶mn. eq 700 or ¶mn.= 710 %then %do; order = (0 to &ordx. by 100) %end; %if ¶mn. eq 100 %then %do; order = (0 to &ord. by 50) %end; minor = NONE offset=(8, ) ; axis2 label = (justify=center " " h=2 justify=center ) major = NONE minor = NONE value = (h=2.0) %if ¶mn. eq 700 or ¶mn.= 710 %then %do; order = (-1 to 120) %end; %if ¶mn. eq 100 %then %do; order = (-1 to 24) %end; origin= (10 pct) length= 80 pct /* split='|'*/ offset=(,2 cm) ; %if ¶mn. eq 700 or ¶mn.= 710 %then %do; symbol1 interpol=join value=dot value=square height=0.1in cv="&color1" ci="&color1" line=1 width=1; symbol2 interpol=join value=dot height=0.1in cv="&color2" ci="&color2" line=2 width=1; legend1 across=2 label=NONE value=(height=1.5 justify=c "&trt2. (N=&tr1)" "&trt1. (N=&tr2)"); %end; %if ¶mn. eq 100 %then %do; symbol1 interpol=join value=dot value=square height=0.1in cv="&color1" ci="&color1" line=1 width=1; legend1 across=1 label=NONE value=(height=2.0 justify=c "&trt2. (N=&tr1)"); %end; footnote3 h=2.0 j=left "&progft."; proc gplot data=test anno=anno_tick; plot aval*col=trtan / legend=legend1 vaxis=axis1 haxis=axis2; format col _colfmt.; run; quit;
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