Hi All entire column is missing on import even though every cell in the column in the spreadsheet is populated with a character string. You say avoid using Excel as a direct import and go via a text file but that is exactly what Enterprise Guide does - it get Excel to write the data out as a tab delimited file and then reads it in via a data step. If I open the text file it creates the data is missing in that. If create a similar text file from Excel via 'File->Save as...' then the column is not full of missing values. Just a bug or fixable? P.S. Using SAS EG 4.3 against a local install of SAS9.4M1 on Windows.
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I am reading a spreadsheet in SAS EG 4.3 using File->Import data-> etc,. A column that contains the result of a user defined function that returns a string is read as missing. But if I set the use "SAS/Access to PC files" option then it works. Why? Is there a fix other than always to set that option which causes other issues?
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I don't have SAS EG but I do have PC SAS with SAS/Connect and the performance is very different. SAS Tech support suggest this is because SAS is giving a record count - running a count(*) query when it starts which might be slow for a view. They say this is different in SAS Studio version 3.5. It doesn't explain why it is slow simply producing a lst of tables to browse.
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Hi I have a persistent problem when I log into SAS Studio (v3.3 running on Linux with SAS 9.4 M1) and try to browse the contents of a library. The library is an Oracle database allocated through a libname statement run from the autoexec for the SAS Studio session. When I try to list the tables in the libaries pane on the left side it can take up to 10 minutes to do so and when I try to open the table to view the first 100 rows it takes minutes to do that too. The problem is only with Oracle libaries - native SAS is fine - and only with viewing the tables not with running SAS code against them. This is only a problem with SAS Studio.The equivalent activity from PC SAS viewing the same Oracle library (a libname statement connecting via remote library services to a SAS/Connect server session with the Oracle libary) gives essentially instant access. There is no appreciable difference in running queries or other SAS code against Oracle in SAS Studio versus PC SAS connecting via SAS/Connect. I have had an open ticket with SAS support for a couple of months now with no luck. Have other people had these difficulties? Any tips? Does moving on to the later releases of SAS Studio help?
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Hi I can see you can generate code and edit it but it sort of destroys the point of visual programming. Odd that they have not incorporated such a basic feature. It makes it a hard sell to get the team to use visual programming if the functionality is very low.
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Hi Is there a way of creating calculated columns with the query builder in SAS Studio (SAS9.4 M2 for Linux) like there is in Enterprise Guide? It's pretty useless as a query tool without it!
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