Hi everyone, I need help with ODS rtf and the BODYTITLE_AUX option. Client wants a condensed report so we try to fit two or more tables on one page, thus needing to use BODYTITLE_AUX so the titles are not embeded within the header of the RTF file. I can't use ODS text for titles, because we generate many tables by class, and I use "title2 '#byval1'" and #byval2, which I don't believe can be achieved using ODS text. However I ran into some issues with bodytitle_aux: 1) Page numbers are no longer working. It just shows "Page of " , with no numbers. =( 2) The logo and footer are being displayed multiple times, which looks really strange. We just want it once per page. I have included a sample of my code below (with a dummy dataset). Perhaps someone can point out what I am missing in my code since I'm new to proc tabulate. Thanks so much for your help! ODS RESULTS OFF;
options orientation=portrait NODATE NOSTIMER NONUMBER NOBYLINE;
ods rtf file="&root.\Output\test_&SYSDATE9..rtf" startpage=no BODYTITLE_AUX cssstyle="&root.\style.css";
ods escapechar='^';
title1 j=center '^S={preimage="&root.\logo.jpg"}';
footnote j=left 'Name' j=center 'Page ^{pageof}' j=right "Last Revised: &SYSDATE9.";
proc tabulate data=sashelp.shoes;
title1 '#byval1';
where region in ('Asia', 'Canada','Pacific') and
product in ('Boot', 'Slipper' );
class product region;
var sales;
table region * (product all),
proc tabulate data=sashelp.shoes;
title1 '#byval1';
where region in ('Asia', 'Canada','Pacific') and
product in ('Boot', 'Slipper' );
class product region;
var sales;
table region * (product all),
ods rtf close;
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