If the same dataset is used in multiple reports, and a certain numeric column is always used as a category, it might be a good idea to give the column a format. That will make the column a category in SASVisualAnalyticsDesigner by default. * Format must be stored where Visual Analytics can find it ;
libname formats "/opt/sas/config/Lev1/SASApp_VA/SASEnvironment/SASFormats/";
* Generic format that can be used for (m)any numeric variable(s) ;
proc format library=formats.formats;
value category
.="Unknown age";
* Apply format to variables who are to be used as categories. Can be difficult to achieve in the databuilder.
* Do in dataintegration layer if possible. ;
proc sql noprint;
create view TEMP_LASR_VIEW_16353 as
CLASS.Name length=8 AS Name,
CLASS.Sex length=1 AS Sex,
CLASS.Age format=category. length=8 AS Age,
CLASS.Height length=8 AS Height,
CLASS.Weight length=8 AS Weight
sashelp.CLASS CLASS;
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