Hey everyone, Recently, my business decided to upgrade all windows machines to Microsoft Windows 7 (from XP). I, and my team, develop our code using Base SAS 9.2 for UNIX. Until the switch to WIN 7, XP would accept files generated via Proc Export DBMS = XLS. Most of our programs are designed to export into .xls and then email as an attachment to either a hand full of people or a SharePoint site. Because the XLS is no longer an option for WIN 7, we have started toying around with the SAS/Access Interface to PC Files. Example: LIBNAME MYMDB PCFILES SERVER= &CGCPCIP. PATH='d:\sas\example.xls'; DATA MYMDB.CLASS; SET SASHELP.CLASS; RUN; LIBNAME MYMDB CLEAR; Or: PROC EXPORT DATA = SASHELP.CLASS DBMS = EXCELCS OUTFILE = 'd:\sas\example.xls' REPLACE; SERVER= &CGCPCIP.; RUN; Does anyone know of a way to save these files on the UNIX box versus being forced to save onto the machine designated as the "server"? I don't believe there is a way to generate an email from UNIX using a file that doesn't exist on the machine, and if I can't email it without having to manually move the file back to UNIX - I can't batch it. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! William
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