Dear SAS Communities, im trying to install SAS EG to my colleague, I've done it many times already. But this one seems like a problem OS: W10 SAS EG v 7.1 Problem: Base SAS (sas.exe) Works fine, Licence on EG is to 2018JUN BUT Enterprise guide says this when submitting code: "A connection to the server "Local" could not be established" Conf details from "about sas": --- SAS Software --- SAS Enterprise Guide version: SAS System version: 9402.0.21456.22399 SAS System Command: c:\progra~1\sashome\sasfou~1\9.4\sas.exe -config "c:\program files\sashome\sasfoundation\9.4\sasv9.cfg" -objectserver -nologo -noterminal -noprngetlist SAS Shared Files: C:\Program Files\SASHome JMP Installation: --- Current Process --- Current directory: C:\Program Files\SASHome\SASEnterpriseGuide\7.1 Command line: "C:\Program Files\SASHome\SASEnterpriseGuide\7.1\SEGuide.exe" Temporary files location: C:\Users\Kateřina\AppData\Local\Temp\SEG7360 Memory used: 276,881,408 bytes Client session type: Running on console Running in WOW64 (32-bit subsystem): No Running as a 64 bit process: Yes --- Operating System --- Name: Windows 8 Version: Service pack: No Service Pack Installed .NET Runtime Version: 4.0.30319.42000 (no service pack) Internet Explorer version: 9.11.14393.0 System directory: C:\Windows\system32 Default web browser: Launch Windows App MDAC version: 6.3.9600.16384 WPF Render Capability Tier: 0x20000 --- User --- User name: User ID: Kateřina Machine name: DESKTOP-5LSNPU9 --- Active Metadata Connection Profile --- Profile name: Null Provider Description: Host name: Port: Default server: Person name: PUBLIC Authentication type: IWA Using Integrated Windows Authentication: True Security package: Negotiate Security Package List: Kerberos,NTLM Service principal name: User: Password set: not specified Save login: True Connected: True --- Metadata Server Status --- Platform version: Model version: Server locale: Server state: Pause comment: I also tried to test local server by running "C:\Program Files\SASHome\x86\Integration Technologies\ITConfig2.exe" utility, which led to this result (her username in windows is Kateřina, which might be the problem) Could be the main problem with her windows username (i believe that "ř" is in utf-8)? Failed to transcode data from utf-8 to utf-16le encoding because it contained characters which are not supported by your SAS session encoding. Please review your encoding= and locale= SAS system options to ensure that they can accommodate the data that you want to process. A portion of the source string, in hex representation is:
59a9ed4: 4b 61 74 65 f8 69 6e 61 |Kate.ina | When i try to expand "Local" server in EG, it says this Provádění serveru selhalo -------------------------- Technical Information Follows -------------------------- Exception Details: ---------------------------------------- Exception type: SAS.EG.SDS.SDSException Message: Server execution failed Source: SAS.EG.SDS.Model Target Site: SASWorkspace Stack Trace: at SAS.EG.SDS.Model.Server.SASWorkspace() at SAS.EG.SDS.Views.View.DoPopulate(DisplayOperation& op) Inner Exception Details: ---------------------------------------- Exception type: SAS.EC.Directory.Model.SDSException Message: Server execution failed Source: EC.Directory Target Site: Connect Inner Exception Details: ---------------------------------------- Exception type: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException Message: Provádění serveru selhalo Source: SASObjectManager Target Site: CreateObjectByServer Stack Trace: at SASObjectManager.ObjectFactoryMulti2Class.CreateObjectByServer(String Name, Boolean synchronous, IServerDef pIServerDef, String LoginName, String Password) at SAS.EC.Directory.Model.Server.Connect(ConnectionInfo connInfo) Many many thanks for your help, already tried to reinstall whole solution 3 times... Have a nice day, Michal
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