Is there a way to get the predicted survival/risk for each observation using proc phreg, not just the number at risk at each time point? For example, using the following, I get a survival and risk for each event/non event observation. But this is using Kaplan Meier/proc lifetest, and I'm hoping there's a way to do it using proc phreg? Thank you! ods trace on; ods output productlimitestimates=predkm2; proc lifetest data=incidentvalid method=km; test sex agecateg bmicateg diabetes prevhyp prevap prevmi cholcateg smokecateg; time timedth*death(0); run; proc rank data=predkm2 groups=10 out=validkmrank; var survival; ranks decile; run; proc print data=validkmrank ; run;
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