If you are at least SAS 9.4m4, which it looks like you are at 9.4m5, you could try to get the data out with the JSON libname engine, https://blogs.sas.com/content/sasdummy/2016/12/02/json-libname-engine-sas/. I was going to type up all this to demonstrate how you you could set this up, but decided to just build you a library, a couple of tables and a job (which hits a rest data provider) to give you a better picture of how this might work for you (see the attached spk file that you can import into a folder, it should work when you import the items in the spk without needing. This also assumes you have 9.4m4 (at least) and the response data can come back as JSON, which it appears you have 9.4m5.
The key to this example is the values set in the Input and Output tab of the REST transform and the path for the Response body library SAS library.
Download the attached ZIP file and rename with an SPK extension (ex: read_rest_data.spk) -- then you'll be able to import it.
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