My SAS and Oracle user names/passwords are the same. I'm trying to use the authdomain="DefaultAuth" option in a PROC SQL pass-through: proc sql;
connect to oracle as currcon (authdomain="DefaultAuth" path="EDWPRO");
create table myoutput as
select * from connection to currcon
(SELECT * FROM mylib.myinput t);
disconnect from currcon ;
quit; Log: 24 proc sql;
25 connect to oracle as currcon (authdomain="DefaultAuth" path="EDWPRO");
WARNING: No login information was available for authdomain DefaultAuth.
ERROR: ORACLE connection error: ORA-12162: TNS:net service name is incorrectly specified.
NOTE: PROC SQL set option NOEXEC and will continue to check the syntax of statements.
26 create table mytable as
27 select * from connection to currcon
28 (SELECT * FROM mylib.myinput t);
NOTE: Statement not executed due to NOEXEC option.
29 disconnect from currcon ;
NOTE: Statement not executed due to NOEXEC option.
30 quit;
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors. It's returning with "No login information was available for authdomain DefaultAuth." Everything I have found says to ask a SAS admin to create a new Authentication Domain and name it "OracleAuth", but this is not an easy thing to get done in my organizaion. I don't understand why I can't extract the password from DefaultAuth to connect to Oracle. I used this code to try to pull them manually, but still can't extract the password: %macro Auth(AuthenticationDomain);
%global Password UserID;
data _null_;
length uri UserId Password UserId AuthId AuthenticationDomain $256;
do while(rc>0);
if rc>0 then do;
call symput("UserID",compress(UserID));
call symput("Password",compress(Password));
%put NOTE: For AuthenticationDomain &AuthenticationDomain., the UserID &UserID has password &Password.. Executed as &sysuserid..;
%Auth(DefaultAuth) The UserId comes back, but the password is coming through with "." Do I need to invoke a system option to make this work, or can DefaultAuth flat out just not be used to log into Oracle. And if so, why does the password not return with the %Auth macro?
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