Hi there, I am trying to produce a graph like the one below. That is not my graph but just for reference. In the graph below, the bar values are rotated vertically, I am trying to rotate my values at an angle. I read somewhere that the values will be automatically rotated to a vertical position when the values don't fit in the space, however I need to have my values rotated even though I only have 5 digits number ( for example 45,000). This is the code I am using and I am using SAS 9.4: proc sgplot data=table1 noborder; where label='Avg Size' and state=10; format ld1 comma.; vbar year/ response=ld1 datalabel datalabelattrs=(size=12) barwidth =0.2 dataskin=gloss baselineattrs=(thickness=0) fillattrs=(color=green); xaxis display=(nolabel noticks) ; yaxis display=none ; run;
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