Hello everyone, My name is Brad. I am seeking a career change. I have a B.S. in Mathematics Education and have worked for 2+ years in a public high school in Michigan. I have come to the conclussion that teaching is not something I want to do for the next 30 years. After interviewing with a local marketing company, the CEO said he felt that with my background in mathematics, stats, and basic programming (Java, HTML) knowledge I should look into SAS. He told me that if I learn SAS and get the BASE certification he would be able to find me a job. Apperently his prior work experience was heavily involved in data and analytics and he has many connections. Regardless of the man's comments or connections, I'm wondering if his statement seems accurate? With my educational background, if I do in fact get SAS certified will that be enough to get my foot in the door somewhere, anywhere? I've been looking at job boards for something as basic as a data entry clerk to at least have something to add to my resume outside of teaching. Also on these job board, I'm yet to find any interships/co-ops in my state, and any SAS programming jobs that I do find seem to require 2-5 years of experience. I've already began taking the online SAS courses and hope to be ready for the BASE exam by the end of March. I am a very quick and determined learner, who's not really interested in paying a university for something I can learn on my own, or adding to my student loan debt. So . . . What do you think? Should I continue on this path? I'm just worried about putting months of work and time toward attaining this certification only to find that it's not enough to get me a job. Any information, comments, tips, would be greatly appreciated.
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