I have a statewide set of data that I use to produce maps. I need to label the towns on a map of each county. The maps come out fine but the labels from towns surrounding each county show up outside of the county area. Here is how I create the dataset for the labels: %annomac; %maplabel (UseMe, UseMe, Labels2use, name, sd_b county, font=Arial Black, color=black, size=.8, hsys=3); run; 'sd_b' is the identifying field for each town and 'county' is the name of the county it is in. I added county to the list of variables hoping that it would supress the lables not in the county being created but it didn't help. To create the county maps I use this: proc gmap map=work.UseMe data=work.UseMe annotate=Labels2use; by county; id sd_b; choro count/ uniform; run; quit; How do I get the procedure to only print the names of the towns that are in the county that is currently being produced instead of all the names that fit in the plot area?
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