I have been having issues with creating block groups in proc boxplot. i.e. The example when I try to perform the following: proc boxplot; plot y*male (group); run; I keep getting an error message that the data is not properly sorted. NOTE: Processing beginning for PLOT statement number 1. ERROR: The values of the group variable male are not sorted in increasing order in the data set POOLED. NOTE: Recommended practice is to sort the data by the group variable (within BY groups if any) with PROC SORT. NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors. NOTE: There were 3432 observations read from the data set WORK.POOLED. NOTE: PROCEDURE BOXPLOT used (Total process time): real time 0.03 seconds cpu time 0.03 seconds However, when I do attempt to sort the data in the following way, it does not work. proc sort; by group male; This also does not work. proc sort; by male group; The odd thing is that this method DOES work on one dataset I have but not another one. Has anyone else experienced this issue?
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