Rick, This functionality is incredibly important. When implementing a new reporting platform, the link between where people get the data and where and how they do their work is important. If developers do not have ways to create interaction between their reporting and the platforms on which people work, you will always deal with adoption issues, ease of use is important to the end user. <Example> On our operations software, all of our URLs regardless of department use the <patientID> in them. If you are looking at a graph and drill to a patient detail level it would be great to pass that ID into an existing URL (pharman.rxhealthcare.org/<patientID>/). One other functionality that would be nice would be control over the data displayed in a hover. <Example:> If I have a graph of Revenue by day, I'd like users to be able to at a glance to see Margin and fills for that day when they hover. I could accomplish that with a hierarchy and drill down, but its inefficient to go into and out of multiple drill downs. Hope this helps Craig
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