Hi, Im trying to do a forecast on some data for my group and using the Proc ESM...I do a seasonal daily model because I want it to account for changes in day of week. However, I also want to account for the month and other trends. I have one variable i'm wanting to forecast...but Im not getting as close as I want....do you have any suggestions of techniques for improving the signficance of the projected values and minimizing the errors? Proc Sort data = cwork.forecast_queue_elig_vdps_1; by Channel tier; run; ODS Listing; ODS RTF File = '\\wfsnccicnsf01\c_cds_users\a097529\My Documents\forecastqueueEligvdps1.rtf'; proc ESM data=cwork.forecast_queue_elig_vdps_1 out = forecastedqueue_elig_vdps Lead = 15 plot=forecasts PRINT = FORECASTS; by Channel tier; ID trandate interval = day accumulate=average; forecast totalqueuedin/model= seasonal; run; ODS rtf Close; Thank you for your help!!!! Allie
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