Hi, I'm trying to get the percentages of women that had a screening mammogram by county using Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS, a large survey performed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) data. This is the code I'm trying to use: proc surveyfreq data=tmp; strata _ststr; cluster _psu; weight _llcpwt; tables fips*mam/or; run; I'm confident the strata, cluster, and weight statements are correct. The issue seems to be in the tables statement, specifically with using the county in the cross tabulation. "fips" refers to the county code (e.g. 22001, 22003, etc. - there's 64 different counties in the state of interest), and "mam" refers to if the woman had a mammogram or not (1=yes, 2=no, 9=unknown). Can someone tell me why I can't seem to run this code (it just keeps running)? And how I could do this analysis? Amanda
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