Actually, the observation is the electoral list itself (I did not code individual candidates). So for each of 1012 lists, I coded the information for : -commune (one of the 262 municipalities), -Eurostat (the municipality is either eurostatA, eurostatB, eurostatC. Reference used is EurostatB), -sizelog (log of the population of the municipality), -enp (effective number of parties in the municipality). -binouverture of the list (Yes/no), In other words, for each list from the same municipality, the variables 'commune' (that identifies the municipality), 'EurostatA', EurostatC', 'ENP', 'sizelog' is always the same while the dependent variable 'binouverture' varies for each list. Regarding the key questions you asked: the 262 municipalities is the population. Actually, we coded information for all the 1012 lists presented in all the 262 municipalities at the last local elections. I don't want to infer my results to other case studies but evaluate the impact of independent variables on 'binouverture' for that particular election. To some extent, it's an electoral report, not theory-building. Thus statistical significance is not important because my sample is my population of interest in that paper. The goal is thus to assess the marginal effect of each of the independent variables 'Eurostata' 'Eurostatc' 'Sizelog' 'Enp' on the dependent variable 'binouverture' but taking into account the fact that lists are presented in 262 municipalities. Does it make clearer? Thanks for your help Steve! Jeremy
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