Hi, I am working on the report and I need help with applying the same colors to the headers of the spanning columns. For example I want to add “azure” color to the header cell 'PUBLISHABLE w. FLAGS'. Also, how I can add a color to the background for the 'Cutoffs Percentages' cell? Below is my SAS code and the output I got so far. I am looking for a suggestions how I can modify my code to color other header cells in the table below that are not colored now. Thank you! proc report data=TestData (keep=cycle entity case Frequency GeoMean Deficient_Frequency Deficient_Percent Marginal_Frequency Marginal_Percent); column ('PUBLISHABLE w. FLAGS' cycle entity case) ('Geometric Results' Frequency GeoMean ) ('Cutoffs Percentages' ( 'Deficient (<148 pmol per L)' Deficient_Frequency Deficient_Percent) ('Marginal (148-220 pmol per L)' Marginal_Frequency Marginal_Percent )) ; define cycle/display style(header)={background=azure}; define entity/display style(header)={background=azure}; define case/display style(header)={background=azure}; COMPUTE cycle; CALL DEFINE(_COL_, "style", "STYLE=[BACKGROUND=azure]"); ENDCOMP; COMPUTE entity; CALL DEFINE(_COL_, "style", "STYLE=[BACKGROUND=azure]"); ENDCOMP; COMPUTE case; CALL DEFINE(_COL_, "style", "STYLE=[BACKGROUND=azure]"); ENDCOMP; *geomeans; define Frequency/display 'N' style(header)={background=PAY}; define GeoMean/display style(header)={background=PAY}; define LowerCLGM/display style(header)={background=PAY}; COMPUTE Frequency; CALL DEFINE(_COL_, "style", "STYLE=[BACKGROUND=PAY]"); ENDCOMP; COMPUTE GeoMean; CALL DEFINE(_COL_, "style", "STYLE=[BACKGROUND=PAY]"); ENDCOMP; *Deficient Percent; define Deficient_Frequency/display style(header)={background=GWH}; define Deficient_Percent/display style(header)={background=GWH}; COMPUTE Deficient_Frequency; CALL DEFINE(_COL_, "style", "STYLE=[BACKGROUND=GWH]"); ENDCOMP; COMPUTE Deficient_Percent; CALL DEFINE(_COL_, "style", "STYLE=[BACKGROUND=GWH]"); ENDCOMP; *marginal Percent; define Marginal_Frequency/display style(header)={background=PWH}; define Marginal_Percent/display style(header)={background=PWH}; COMPUTE Marginal_Frequency; CALL DEFINE(_COL_, "style", "STYLE=[BACKGROUND=PWH]"); ENDCOMP; COMPUTE Marginal_Percent; CALL DEFINE(_COL_, "style", "STYLE=[BACKGROUND=PWH]"); ENDCOMP; run;
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