Having trouble with the below : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %MACRO JUNK; %LET CDNC1 = A ; %LET CDNC2 = B ; %LET CDNC3 = C ; %LET CDNC4 = D ; %LET CDNC5 = E ; %LET CDNC6 = F ; %LET OFF1 = 101101; %LET OFF2 = 001110; %LET OFF3 = 011001; DATA JUNK (DROP =LG AIGP); LENGTH M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12 M13 M14 LG $2. AIGP $1. ; %DO H=1 %TO 6; LG = "&&CDNC&H.."; %DO I=1 %TO 3; %DO E=1 %TO 6; /* if SUBSTR("&&OFF&I",&E,1) ='1' then */ AIGP = SUBSTR("&&OFF&I",&E,1); M&E = CATT(LG,AIGP); M%SYSEVALF(&E+6)= CATT(LG,AIGP); %IF &E LE 2 %THEN %DO; AIGP = SUBSTR("&&OFF&I",&E,1); M%SYSEVALF(&E+12)= CATT(LG,AIGP); %END; %END; %END; OUTPUT; %END; OUTPUT; RUN; %MEND; %JUNK; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commented out the portion that is now working. Essentially, I do not want to output anything into the cells when the condition hits = 0. I have tried changing out the '1' to 1 just in case. Still doesn't work. Any ideas on what I could be doing wrong here?
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