For anyone who might see this, I found this very nice tutorial on the subject and am currently working with following script: proc glimmix data=score method=laplace; class diet; model score = diet / link=cumlogit dist=multinomial oddsratio(diff=all); random time / sub=park type=ar(1); contrast "Control vs others" diet 4 -1 -1 -1 -1; estimate "score 0,1 in Control" intercept 0 1 0 diet 1 0 0 0 0 /ilink; I have removed score from class statement as it doesn't seem to make a difference. I have added oddsratio although I don't think I'll need it seeing as I'm using contrasts? And from that tutorial I also found I can use estimate to compute the probability of score 2, which is what I need. From what I understand, for diet 1, the statement "intercept 0 1 0 diet 1 0 0 0 0" would compute the cumulative probability of score 0 and 1. Thus, the probability of score 2 would be 1 minus that. Is this correct? However, I'm getting a warning: "WARNING: More coefficients than levels specified for effect Intercept. Some coefficients will be ignored." I have 3 coefficients, seeing as I have 3 levels of score (0, 1, 2). Am I misjudging something? I still don't know how to determine/choose which method= statement to use. Attentively,
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