Hi All, I have a simple dataset. Please see below. How can I load the second observation into an array using a second data step? data have; infile DATALINES dsd missover; input varr1 varr2 varr3; CARDS; 1, 2, 3 2, 3, 4 5, 4 4, 3 9, 4, 1 6, ;run; Thanks!
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Thank you Astounding. But your comment doesn't address the issue I'm facing. I have several %let = statements in my SAS program. Many of these statements extend beyond column 6000 in the editor. The reason why my %let = statements are so long is because they list a large number of values, and I'm trying to fit the values into a temporary array. See the following example: %let number_2_max = 1514 ; This means the dimension of my array will end up being 1514 values, and each value happens to have up to 5 decimal places. The next code statement is the following: %let IRT_A_2_max = listing of 1514 values here ; This has a listing of all 1514 values. This statement extends to column 13050 in the editor. The next section of code is a data step. The data step has an array statement with macro variables to read in the dimension of the array (i.e., &number_2_max) and the list of values included in the array (i.e., &IRT_A_2_max) . data want; array IRT_A_p_2_max (&number_2_max) _temporary_ (&IRT_A_2_max); do i=1 to dim(IRT_A_p_2_max); putlog IRT_A_p_2_max(i)= ; end; run; When I try to run my code SAS aborts and explains that I have lines of code that exceed more than 6000 characters. Is there some way I can get around this issue? Thanks
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Hi All, I'm facing a hurdle with SAS reading long lines of code. Is there any way that I can increase the maximum number of permitted characters in lines of code? I'm getting an abort message saying 6000 is the maximum number. Can someone please help me on this? Thank you
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Hi All, Can someone please explain to me how to create a variable that has values in increments of .01, and that ranges from -4 to 4. There should be no duplicate values. For example, -4.00 -3.99 -3.98 . . . all the way to 4.00. Thank you
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