Hi, I’m creating a web page via a stored process. This web page calls another stored process which should return the JSON of a SAS table via the proc json out=_webout . When I make the request, I get this error: ERROR: File is in use, _WEBOUT.
ERROR: Due to the previous error, the JSON output file is incomplete and invalid, or in some cases, unable to be created. If created, the JSON output file is retained so that you can review it to help determine the cause of the error. I’m using SAS 9.4 What can I do to resolve this problem? this is code sas: %put &=data_format;
filename filecsv "ttt_&data_format..csv";
%macro check_file_exists;
%if %sysfunc(fexist(filecsv)) %then %do;
%put 'The file filecsv exist';
data ttt;
infile filecsv truncover firstobs=2;
input a b $26. c $ d $ e $ f $60. ;
proc json out=_webout pretty;
write open object;
write values "data";
write open array;
export ttt / nokeys nosastags;
write close;
write close;
write close;
%else %do;
%put 'The file filecsv does not exist';
%mend check_file_exists;
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