Hello ballardw, Thanks for your feedback. Here is an extract of the sas program, focusing only on the GBARLINE instruction: goption htext=0.7; proc GBARLINE data=b ; format Hmips 4. Trafic beau. ; bar date / name="&Sit.02000" sumvar=Hmips type=sum cframe=&color_frame lref=2 cref=red ref=&seuilconso caxis=black ctext=black minor=1 coutline=black cref=red ctext=black space=0 raxis=axis1 maxis=axis2 midpoints="&datd"d to "&datf"d by day subgroup=Tranname legend=legend1 ; label trafic='Number' Hmips ='CPU'; plot / sumvar= Trafic raxis=axis3 caxis=blue ctext=blue minor=1 ; run; The seuilconso variable is coming from an external table, thus it can be easily changed without having to modify the source code. Here is an example of the kind of graph I am looking for : The seuilconso variable is the threshold line (red dots), an d I need to have it displayed whatever the values of the 'CPU' axis are. For information, when the CPU value is higher that this threshold limit, a mail is automatically generated to inform the user that we may have an issue. I hope it's a litlle bit clearer now. Thanks again for your help best regards JC
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