I am currently working with Transparency in Coverage Payer datasets and facing issues while parsing the file into variables within the provided JSON format. The output I am getting is a single large file with only one column. I am seeking guidance on how to properly align the output with the correct columns. File is noted below - https://uhc-tic-mrf.azureedge.net/public-mrf/2023-12-01/2023-12-01_UnitedHealthcare-of-Ohio--Inc-_Insurer_PPO---NDC_PPO-NDC_in-network-rates.json.gz Code using is noted below - libname data "/mnt/sasusers/&user./data/TiC"; %let jsonfile=/mnt/sasusers/&user./data/TiC/UHC_OHIO_PPO.json; /* Read the JSON file using the JSONLIB engine */ filename myfile "&jsonfile"; data mydata; infile myfile lrecl=32767; input; json = _infile_; run; /* Parse the JSON data using the JSONLIB engine */ data parsed_data; length key $2000 value $2000; retain key value; infile myfile jsonlib; input key $ value $; run; /* Create a new dataset with structured output */ data formatted_data; set parsed_data; length element $2000; if substr(key,1,1) ne ' ' then element = key; else if substr(key,1,1) = ' ' and not missing(value) then output; drop key value; run;
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