It consists of a header record for a household and isimmediately followed by one record (row) for each household member, if applicable. For example, a household of three members will have three records exactly after its headerrecord. A household may have no identified member at the time of the survey. In that case,the household will have only a header record in the file. May I ask that how to let the programme know how many record under the Header? Thank a lot! A1234567BC012,A 15/FEB/1980,Y,Male,Married,3,FT,55000 3/JUN/1982,N,Female,Married,3,UE,0 24/JAN/2005,N,Male,Unknown,2,NA,0 D135EG023456789,B 19/OCT/1950,Y,Female,Divorced,0,PT,5000 X123A567F9,A B2345234CC,A 21/MAY/1975,N,Male,Married,2,FT,30000 30/JUN/1978,Y,Female,Married,1,PT,10000
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