Hi, Can you guys help me out how to print two reports with different number of columns into a single tab using ods tagsets.excelxp? Ex: If the 1st report has 4 columns and the length of each column is 20 i.e. i have given absolute_column_width='20,20,20,20' and the 2nd report has 13 columns i.e. absolute_column_width='20,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5' the below is the code that is used for generation of the reports ods tagsets.excelxp options( Sheet_name = 'Sample report' Orientation = 'landscape' Sheet_Interval = 'none' zoom = '90' skip_space='0,0,0,0,0' ROW_HEIGHTS='4,0,0,0,0' Pages_FitWidth = '1' Pages_FitHeight = '100' embedded_titles='yes' Embedded_Footnotes = 'yes' Print_Header = '' Autofit_Height = 'yes' /*Absolute_Column_Width = '10,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6'*/ DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH = '20,20,20,20' noborder= 'YES' rules='none' ); 1st report ods tagsets.excelxp options( zoom = '90' skip_space='0,0,0,0,0' ROW_HEIGHTS='4,0,0,0,0' Pages_FitWidth = '1' Pages_FitHeight = '100' embedded_titles='yes' Embedded_Footnotes = 'yes' Print_Header = '' Autofit_Height = 'yes' DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH = '20,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5' noborder= 'YES' rules='none' ); 2nd report ; The problem i am facing is : 1st report is coming fine and the problem is with the 2nd report i.e. first 4 columns are taking the width from the first report options. can you guys tell me if there is any other option that is to be used for getting the report into shape. Thanks, Reddikrishna
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