Many Thanks @doug_sas for the reply, indeed the issue was with the private key file, the Spawner was successfully stated with a different file. But now i want to connect my windows custom client to the Spawner running on the RHEL Server. we use the scripted method (tcpunix.scr) to sign on to the spawner below code is used to invoke the sign on %include ".\"; options netencryptalgorithm=ssl; options remote=TOOLremo; filename rlink ".\tcpunix.scr"; - the address file contains the server name and port name - below is the code of tcpunix.scr file which simply run a ksh script on the server to launch a SAS session on the spawner ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ type 'sas -dmr -noterminal netencryptalgorithm=ssl -nosyntaxcheck' LF; waitfor 'SESSION ESTABLISHED', 90 seconds : nosas; log 'NOTE: SAS/CONNECT conversation established.'; stop; unxspawn: type "ksh /ING/DWH/ETL/common/tools/sas/sasetlmonitor &TOOLShoNam &TOOL_CLIusr" LF; waitfor 'SESSION ESTABLISHED', 90 seconds : nosas; stop; ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ - Below is the code of the KSH script (sasetlmonitor) which is called by the tcpunix.scr file ${ETLsasRoot}/sas -dmr \ -altlog ${altlog} \ -work ${work} \ -config ${config} \ -sslcertloc /opt/DWH/ETL/common/tools/misc/spawn/bin/keystore/store/cert.pem \ -sslpvtkeyloc /opt/DWH/ETL/common/tools/misc/spawn/bin/keystore/store/privkey.pem \ -device grlink \ -noterminal \ -nonews \ -no\$syntaxcheck \ -dmsbatch _______________________________ i have alraedy imported and trusted the certificate on the windows client server, but when i try to login to spawner with client we get below error on rhel logs Running as user dwhmgr on hostname ERROR: A communication subsystem environment initialization request failure ERROR: has occurred. ERROR: Network request failed (rc 0x00007F971B5324B0) - SSL Error: ERROR: Certificate was not found. NOTE: SAS Institute Inc., SAS Campus Drive, Cary, NC USA 27513-2414 NOTE: The SAS System used: NOTE: real time 0.02 seconds NOTE: cpu time 0.03 seconds NOTE: NOTE: SAH239999I CONNECT, State, stopped Can you please help me debug the issue, if i am missing somewhere to pass the certificate file many thanks in advance for your time 🙂
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