I have a very large sd2 dataset file which is about 42GB. I can only load it into SAS by a script which qualifies certain variables. I cannot read the dataset structure nor open it in SAS universal viewer. I have tried all the methods I can find on the Internet and forums, including but not limited to using old v6. For example, all of the following scripts don't work: libname in v6 'path';
libname out v9 'path';
proc copy inlib=in outlib=out;
run; libname new 'path';
libname old v6 'path';
data new.test;
set old.test;
run; libname out v9 'path';
libname in v6 'path';
data in.test;
infile 'path';
run; I think the main error is that: Write access to member 'IN.TEST.DATA' is denied. I don't know why. How can i convert the sd2 file to sas7bdat?
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