Hi all, I am working on a college assignment and have imported an excel sheet that I have, which consists of these fields (as per the excel) . Here the discounted price shows as 176.63 However, in SAS it is different for some values - for example the same value is showing as Rs. 177663.00. It has not taken into account the 176.63. This is is the code I used - which includes compressing it to remove the rupee sign, changing it from char to num. I have eventually formatted it to include ruppee sign. main code: data Amazon.Products_mod; set Amazon.Products_Nodup; A_Price= input(compress(actual_price, , 'kd'), comma10.); put "Actual Price (numeric):" A_Price comma10.; format A_Price currency_fmt.; D_Price= input(compress(discounted_price, , 'kd'), comma12.); put "Discounted Price (numeric):" D_Price comma12.; format D_Price currency_fmt.; rating_count_cmp = compress(rating_count); rating_count_new = input(rating_count_cmp, comma12.); * Dropping irrelevant values or old values that have been converted and replaced; drop discounted_price rating_count_cmp rating_count img_link product_link actual_price; run; * including the INR sign; proc format; picture currency_fmt (round) low-high = '₹' 00000009.00 (prefix='₹'); run; It works fine with this code, but I need to add in the rupee sign to this. Alternate code with the rupee sign included: data Amazon1.Products_mod; set Amazon1.Products_Nodup; actual_price_cmp = compress(actual_price, "₹"); act_price = input(actual_price_cmp, comma15.); discounted_price_cmp = compress(discounted_price, "₹"); disc_price= input(discounted_price_cmp, comma15.); rating_count_cmp = compress (rating_count); rating_count_new = input(rating_count_cmp, comma12.); format disc_price currency drop actual_price discounted_price actual_price_cmp discounted_price_cmp rating_count_cmp rating_count img_link product_link; run; Any urgent suggestion on what can be done here and how i can get the right number + a comma for ease of readability.
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