The version we are using of sas visual investigator 10.8 in sas viya 3.5.
we have created some domains under alerts and we want to delete some unwanted domains under alerts.
The problem is we are unable to delete domain under alerts in visual investigator.
we have searched in web and we found the below that we can delete the unwanted domain under alerts through the server level.
exec curl -I -X DELETE "http://$HOST:$PORT/svi-alert/domains/$DOMAIN_ID" \ --header "Content-Type:application/json" \ --header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
Here we have DOMAIN_ID which is place in the 1st command and what should we place in the place of json and TOKEN in the 2nd and 3rd commands.
and is there any specific location to run all these three commands.
Please let us know if anyone knows and its a great help for us.
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