I am having trouble in my program using multiple created variables at once. I had created two new variables and when I go to use them, only the most recent one gets saved into my output. When I run an analysis, I get an error code that one does not exist, but it will let me run it if I only run that specific one. data dap1; set epi.hpvd;
if CD4=. then cd=.;
if CD4 lt 500 and cd4 ge 0 then cd ='2';
if CD4 ge 500 then cd='1';
data dap1; set epi.hpvd;
if hiv_load=. then h=.;
if hiv_load le 75 then h= '1';
if hiv_load gt 75 then h='2';
proc univariate data=dap1;
class cd ;
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