Trying to setup a libname for Snowflake as follows: libname fch_data snow dbmstemp=YES server="<<serverName>>" database=<<dbname>> user=<<username>> role=<<rolename>> pw=<<pwname>> schema=<<schemaname>> connection=global conopts="<<proxyname"; 29 libname fch_data snow dbmstemp=YES ________ 22 ERROR 22-7: Invalid option name DBMSTEMP. If I remove DBMSTEMP the libname works fine. I only need it to allow a libname to create temporary tables in Snowflake so if there is another way of doing that from data step I can try that, but cant see any obvious way apart from libname and executing CREATE TEMP in SQL (thats not my preference, the temp table source is always a SAS DB and can be very large, also I cant see any way using execute to create a Snowflake table from a SAS table -- not sure I'd want to). This is in Current version: 9.04.01M7P080520 Operating System: WX64_SV . DBMSTEMP is documented as valid in SAS/ACCESS to SnowFlake at DBMSTEMP= LIBNAME Statement Option Specifies whether SAS creates temporary or permanent tables. Valid in:Category:Default:Requirement:Interaction:Data source: SAS/ACCESS LIBNAME statement Data Set Control NO To specify this option, you must first specify CONNECTION=GLOBAL—except for Microsoft SQL Server, which defaults to UNIQUE. To access temporary tables, set DBMSTEMP= to YES and set the CONNECTION= LIBNAME option to GLOBAL. Amazon Redshift, Aster, DB2 under UNIX and PC Hosts, DB2 under z/OS, Greenplum, Hadoop, HAWQ, JDBC, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Netezza, ODBC, OLE DB, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SAP HANA, SAP IQ, Snowflake, Spark, Teradata, Vertica, Yellowbrick
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