%macro dt_date(date=,interval=,format=,offset=-1,alignment=B,quote=Y)/minoperator; %put Start macro dt_date(date=&date,interval=&interval,format=&format,offset=&offset,alignment=&alignment,quote="e); %local interval_temp; %local d fmt rc dsid; %if %superq(date)=%str() %then %let date=&dt_sas; %let interval=%upcase(&interval); %let quote=%upcase("e); %let alignment=%upcase(&alignment); %if &format ne %str() %then %do; %let fmt=%upcase(%sysfunc(compress(&format,%str(.),d))); %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(sashelp.vformat(where=(fmtname="&fmt")))); %let rc=%sysfunc(fetch(&dsid)); %let dsid=%sysfunc(close(&dsid)); %if &rc=-1 %then %do; %let errormsg1=&format is not a valid format.; %let jumptoexit=1; %let d=; %goto EXIT; %end; %end; %else %do; %let format=best.; %let quote=N; %end; %let interval_temp=%scan(&interval,1,%str(.)); %let pos=%sysfunc(anydigit(&interval_temp)); %if &pos %then %let interval_temp=%substr(&interval_temp,1,%eval(&pos-1)); %if %eval(&interval_temp in YEAR QTR MONTH WEEK DAY YEARLY QUARTERLY MONTHLY WEEKLY DAILY)=0 %then %do; %let errormsg1=&interval is not a valid date interval.; %let jumptoexit=1; %let d=; %goto EXIT; %end; %if %sysfunc(inputn(&offset, best.))=%str() %then %do; %let errormsg1=&offset is not a valid offset.; %let jumptoexit=1; %let d=; %goto EXIT; %end; %if "e ne Y and "e ne N %then %do; %let errormsg1="e is not a valid Quote value. Must be Y or N.; %let jumptoexit=1; %let d=; %goto EXIT; %end; %if &alignment ne B and &alignment ne E and &alignment ne M and &alignment ne S %then %do; %let errormsg1=&alignment is not a valid alignment value. Must be B, E, M, S.; %let jumptoexit=1; %let d=; %goto EXIT; %end; %let date=%sysfunc(intnx(&interval,&date,&offset,&alignment)); %let d=%sysfunc(putn(&date,&format)); %if %superq(d)=%str() %then %do; %let errormsg1=&format is not a valid format.; %let jumptoexit=1; %let d=; %goto EXIT; %end; %if "e=Y %then %let d=%unquote(%str(%')&d%str(%')); %EXIT: %unquote(&d) %put End macro dt_date - Date Value returned is %unquote(&d); %mend dt_date;
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