Hi: The HEADLINE, HEADSKIP, SPACEING= FLOW and WIDTH= options are LISTING only options and they will NOT be used by your ODS RTF output (or PDF or HTML). Using the STYLE= option for WIDTH= is a good technique to make the columns smaller, but a better way would be to specify physical sizes, such as .75 in or 1.5 in instead of percentages. When you use percentages, you are making ODS work to 1) convert the percentages to physical sizes and then 2) convert the physical sizes to TWIPS for RTF. RTF is limited to the physical amount of space on the page. So if you need to "shrink" the report so it fits on one page, then you need to alter the code. You indicated that you had "some issues" with PROC REPORT, but don't say what those issues are. It seems likely to me that you are having "issues" with fitting the report on one page, horizontally, so that V1-V17 are on one page. Have you tried changing the orientation to landscape? If you run this program, you will see that the 25 observations did not fit in the horizontal space until the font was either 6 pt or 4pt. You will also notice that at larger font sizes, the CELLWIDTH=/WIDTH= option for VW1 caused wrapping to occur automatically in the Word Processor (without using the FLOW option). Notice that I have made only 3 changes: FontSize, Cellpadding and width for VW1. The biggest impace comes from altering the FONTSIZE and changing the orientation. Cynthia ** 1) look at some examples of very wide reports; ** first, make some data; data verywide; array vw $40 vw1-vw25; do grp = 'wombat', 'ocelot', 'koala'; if grp = 'ocelot' then do; vw{1} = 'long string gg gggg ggg ggg ggg ggggg gg'; end; else do; vw{1} = 'pppppppppp'; end; do i = 2 to 25 by 1; if i le 12 then vw{i} = 'aaaaaaa'||put(i,z3.0); else if i gt 12 then vw{i} = 'xxxxxxx'||put(i,z3.0); end; output verywide; output verywide; output verywide; end; run; ** next, set up a macro to create report with for each time different fonts; ** and change the width for VW1 column explicitly; %macro smfont(fs=8pt); title; footnote; %let ttl2 = Note diff between RTF and HTML; proc report data=verywide nowd style(report)={font_face='Arial Narrow' font_size=&fs cellpadding=2px} style(header)={font_face='Arial Narrow' font_size=&fs} style(column)={font_face='Arial Narrow' font_size=&fs}; title "very wide report at font_size=&fs"; title2 "&ttl2"; column grp vw1-vw25; define grp/order id; define vw1 / display style(column)={width=1.0in}; run; %mend; ** finally, use the macro and set orientation for; ** rtf and pdf; ** change the font 5 different times.; ** orientation has no effect on HTML; options nodate nonumber orientation=landscape; ods html file='c:\temp\vw.html' style=sasweb; ods rtf file='c:\temp\vw.rtf'; ods pdf file='c:\temp\vw.pdf'; %smfont(fs=12pt); %smfont(fs=10.1pt); %smfont(fs=8pt); %smfont(fs=6pt); %smfont(fs=4pt); title; footnote; ods _all_ close;
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