Greetings, I need to find a way to assign a font color to the Y axis ticks, depending on whether or not the Y value is within a predefined list of values. The template (which works perfectly) that I must modify to achieve what is requested is the following: proc template;
define statgraph contourplotparm;
entrytitle "&var Ciclo &ciclo";
layout overlay /
yaxisopts=( offsetmin=0.01 offsetmax=0.01 tickvalueattrs=(size=5pt )
linearopts=(tickvaluesequence=(start=1 end=&nvarie
increment=1) viewmin=1 viewmax=&nvarie
xaxisopts=( offsetmin=0.01 offsetmax=0.01 tickvalueattrs=(size=6pt)
linearopts=(tickvaluesequence=(start=&mn_edad end=&mx_edad
increment=1) viewmin=&mn_edad viewmax=&mx_edad
tickvaluefitpolicy = rotatealways
contourplotparm x=edad y=orden z=&var /
contourtype=fill nhint=7
name="Contour" colormodel=&m_cmodel;
continuouslegend "Contour" / title= "&var" ;
referenceline y=10.5 / lineattrs=(thickness=1 color=black pattern=dash);
referenceline y=%sysevalf(&lbm-0.5) / lineattrs=(thickness=1 color=black pattern= dot );
referenceline y=%sysevalf(&ubm+0.5) / lineattrs=(thickness=1 color=black pattern=dot);
referenceline y=%sysevalf(&lba-0.5) / lineattrs=(thickness=1 color=black pattern=dash);
run; I appreciate your help
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