Hi! Am looking for some help with programming an MMRM model with subsampling. We have a repeated measures model where there is a subjectID, week (as the repeated time of collecting response), age, sex, and a treatment (active vs pbo). We first analyzed a response endpoint (change from baseline) where the response was measured once per subject at each timepoint. The code is: proc mixed data=final; class trt Week subject_id sex; model change = age sex baseline Week trt trt*Week/ddfm=kenwardroger; repeated Week/subject=subject_id type=un; lsmeans trt trt*Week/pdiff cl; run; This worked great to get the p-val needed for active vs placebo at the last week. But we have another response variable that is measured twice at each week, one measurement for each eye. We have a variable which is left eye or right eye for each time point. So eye is nested within subject. We want a p-value for active vs placebo at the last week. We've tried different ways to specify this using proc mixed but not with any success. Can someone help?
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