Hello! Can someone help me how to set a reference of a covariate? In my case, I want to set the highest education category as a reference for the covariate education. So this is my code, education is ISCED_gr and reference need to be ISCED_gr=3 or high: proc fmm data=work.GruppierungAlternew; class PHQg_gr Altersgruppe Alkoholkonsum Rauchstatus ISCED_gr; model OHIPg = PHQg_gr Altersgruppe Alkoholkonsum Rauchstatus ISCED_gr/ cl dist=tpoisson; model OHIPg = / cl dist=constant; probmodel Altersgruppe PHQg_gr ISCED_gr Alkoholkonsum Rauchstatus /cl; run; Thanks a lot!!!
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