Hello everybody, I created a concept module "Smoking concept" in Model Studio in SAS Viya with a text Analisis module. Now I want to use it in SAS Guide with big tables. So, I downloaded the punctation code, and I put it in my SAS Guide project. /*****************************************************************
* SAS Visual Text Analytics
* Concepts Score Code
* Modify the following macro variables to match your needs.
* The liti_binary_caslib and liti_binary_table_name variables
* should have already been set to the location of the concepts
* binary table for the associated SAS Visual Text Analytics project.
/* specifies CAS library information for the CAS table that you would like to score. You must modify the value to provide the name of the library that contains the table to be scored. */
%let input_caslib_name = "{input_caslib_name}";
/* specifies the CAS table you would like to score. You must modify the value to provide the name of the input table, such as "MyTable". Do not include an extension. */
%let input_table_name = "{input_cas_table_name}";
/* specifies the column in the CAS table that contains a unique document identifier. You must modify the value to provide the name of the document identifer column in the table. */
%let key_column = "{doc_id_column_name}";
/* specifies the column in the CAS table that contains the text data to score. You must modify the value to provide the name of the text column in the table. */
%let document_column = "{text_column_name}";
/* specifies the CAS library to write the score output tables. You must modify the value to provide the name of the library that will contain the output tables that the score code produces. */
%let output_caslib_name = "{output_caslib_name}";
/* specifies the concepts output CAS table to produce */
%let output_concepts_table_name = "out_concepts";
/* specifies the facts output CAS table to produce */
%let output_facts_table_name = "out_facts";
/* specifies the CAS library information for the LITI binary table. This should be set automatically to the CAS library for the associated SAS Visual Text Analytics project. */
%let liti_binary_caslib = "Analytics_Project_b55dc-e435-4854-85c7-1ffb6bf01c25";
/* specifies the name of the LITI binary table. This should be set automatically to the Concepts node model table for the associated SAS Visual Text Analytics project. */
%let liti_binary_table_name = "8a41c2597b669f017c26acab0e01e6_CONCEPT_BINARY";
/* specifies the hostname for the CAS server. This should be set automatically to the host for the associated SAS Visual Text Analytics project. */
%let cas_server_hostname = "servidor";
/* specifies the port for the CAS server. This should be set automatically to the host for the associated SAS Visual Text Analytics project. */
%let cas_server_port = 6680;
/* creates a session */
cas sascas1 host=&cas_server_hostname port=&cas_server_port uuidmac=sascas1_uuid;
libname sascas1 cas sessref=sascas1 datalimit=all;
/* calls the scoring action */
proc cas;
session sascas1;
loadactionset "textRuleScore";
action applyConcept;
model={caslib=&liti_binary_caslib, name=&liti_binary_table_name}
table={caslib=&input_caslib_name, name=&input_table_name}
casOut={caslib=&output_caslib_name, name=&output_concepts_table_name, replace=TRUE}
factOut={caslib=&output_caslib_name, name=&output_facts_table_name, replace=TRUE}
quit; The problem is that it looks like I can't apply my model on "normal" table, just CAS table. And I don't want to put my data in CAS. Is there another way to do that ? Thank you.
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