I need to FTP a Pipeline delimited Text file from SAS server to our Mainframe Server then to outside vendor. Since on the mainframe it got set up to receive Binary file so I have the following program: filename Mov "/apps/sas/datasets/data142/Reports/MOVEMENT_3M_&FiscaL_Period._&Rundate..txt"; filename pmggdg ftp "'PBCSECDI.EDIPH925.HOLD(+1)'" debug binary user="KS*****" host="********" pass="*******" lrecl=62 RCMD='SITE lrecl=62 recfm=s'; data _null_; infile Mov lrecl=62; file pmggdg lrecl=62 ; input; put _infile_ ; run; filename Mov clear; filename pmggdg clear; The file was successfully sent to the vendor but it lost the original format which is pipe delimited and was changed to Tab delimited. What should I do when I FTP in Binary and not losing the original format? Thanks so much, SSBBmm
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