Hi, I want to do a graphic like this one: for a grouped bar chart. Can anyone help me, with a code example? The following code is working for a grouped bar chart but without scatterpoints. Its example data, so there are no point values, but an example with random numbers would help me. Thanks in advance 🙂 proc format;
value xvarf
1 = 'Week 1'
2 = 'Week 2'
3 = 'Week 4'
4 = 'Week 6'
5 = 'Week 8'
6 = 'End Point';
value groupf
1 = 'Placebo'
2 = 'Drug A'
3 = 'Drug B';
data eyeIrritation;
attrib param length=$100 label='PARAMETER';
attrib percent length=8 label='Percentage';
attrib time length=3 format=XVARF.;
attrib chartvar length=3 label='Treatment group:' format=GROUPF.;
attrib lcl length=8 label='Lower confidential limit';
attrib ucl length=8 label='Upper confidential limit';
attrib n length=8 label='Number of subjects';
infile datalines dsd;
input param percent time chartvar lcl ucl n ;
EYES ITCHY/GRITTY,40,1,1,25.6864468502627,54.3135531497372,45
EYES ITCHY/GRITTY,60.8695652173913,1,2,49.3541134082639,72.3850170265186,69
EYES ITCHY/GRITTY,52.0547945205479,1,3,40.5946624842483,63.5149265568476,73
EYES ITCHY/GRITTY,55.5555555555555,2,1,41.0373038182218,70.0738072928893,45
EYES ITCHY/GRITTY,68.6567164179104,2,2,57.549008527785,79.7644243080359,67
EYES ITCHY/GRITTY,52.7777777777777,2,3,41.2464158522305,64.309139703325,72
EYES ITCHY/GRITTY,54.5454545454545,3,1,39.8328454913776,69.2580635995314,44
EYES ITCHY/GRITTY,65.625,3,2,53.9887212682038,77.2612787317961,64
EYES ITCHY/GRITTY,63.3802816901408,3,3,52.1742073602962,74.5863560199855,71
EYES ITCHY/GRITTY,72.0930232558139,4,1,58.6864780295777,85.4995684820501,43
EYES ITCHY/GRITTY,65.5737704918032,4,2,53.6505663007898,77.4969746828166,61
EYES ITCHY/GRITTY,64.6153846153846,4,3,52.9910897128346,76.2396795179345,65
EYES ITCHY/GRITTY,64.2857142857143,5,1,49.7946038219732,78.7768247494554,42
EYES ITCHY/GRITTY,75,5,2,63.6589121767657,86.3410878232342,56
EYES ITCHY/GRITTY,58.7301587301587,5,3,46.5732039054999,70.8871135548175,63
EYES ITCHY/GRITTY,62.2222222222222,6,1,48.0566932486829,76.3877511957615,45
EYES ITCHY/GRITTY,69.5652173913043,6,2,58.7083453077565,80.4220894748521,69
EYES ITCHY/GRITTY,57.5342465753424,6,3,46.1953891907295,68.8731039599554,73
proc template;
define style styles.blue;
parent = styles.default;
class GraphColors
"Abstract colors used in graph styles" /
'gdata' = cxaFb3cF
'gdata3' = cx8CaEdF
'gdata2' = cx5A96DE
'gdata1' = cx42659C;
style color_list from color_list
"Abstract colors used in graph styles" /
'bgA' = cxe0e7e7;
proc template;
define statgraph EyeIrritation;
begingraph / datacolors=(CX87CEFA CX6495ED CXE0FFFF CXC4DA5A CX404040 );
entrytitle 'Distribution of Eye Irritation (Redness)';
entryfootnote halign=left 'X Axis shows the number of subjects by treatment for each week';
layout gridded / border=false;
layout datalattice columnvar=time / headerlabeldisplay=value cellwidthmin=50
columnheaders=bottom border=false columndatarange=union
columnaxisopts=(display=(line tickvalues))
rowaxisopts=(offsetmin=0 linearopts=(viewmax=100 tickvaluepriority=true)
label='% Subjects' griddisplay=on);
layout prototype / walldisplay=(fill);
barchart x=n y=percent / group=chartvar name='a' barlabel=true skin=modern
scatterplot x=n y=percent / yerrorlower=lcl yerrorupper=ucl markerattrs=(size=0)
errorbarattrs=(thickness=1) datatransparency=0.6;
entry ' ';
discretelegend 'a' / title='Treatment Group: ' border=true ;
ods listing close;
ods html style=styles.blue image_dpi=100 file='EyeIrritation.html' path='.';
ods graphics / reset noborder width=600px height=400px
imagename='EyeIrritation' imagefmt=gif noscale;
proc sgrender data=eyeIrritation template=EyeIrritation;
format percent 5.1;
ods html close;
ods listing;
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