Hello @erynwu & @JeffMeyers, I ran into the same issue as erynwu when running the macro on on SAS Enterprise Guide v8.2 Update 2 ( on Windows 10. I believe I found the root cause. The columns used to specify the offreason and or freq marco parameters are numeric. As a result the default missing values are represented by a period. When these values are processed into character strings, the period is carrying over instead of creating a blank character cell. The subsequent steps in the macro treat cells with a "." the same as a if they held a legitimate value (e.g. "Insurance Denied"). I was able to fix the issue by specifying the default missing value to be blank: options missing=""; If that doesn't work for your particular SAS deployment/environment, you'll likely have to update the macro itself to remove periods from the offrsn and freq columns in the temporary tables. The compress function should work for this. The examples below would keep only the alphabetic characters of a string: compress(offrsn,,'ka')
compress(freq,,'ka') Thanks for developing this macro @JeffMeyers! It's been very helpful.
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