You pointed me in the right direction! The blog post discusses the MarkerStyleElement column which only specifies marker attributes. My plot does not include markers and that is why the attribute map has no effect. The blog post did not mention that a LineStyleElement column is also available. Therefore, I need to change the code to also create a column called LineStyleElement:
%let VarName = FCIC; /* specify name of grouping variable */
proc freq data=Series ORDER=FREQ; /* ORDER=FORMATTED|DATA|FREQ */
tables &VarName
/ out=Attrs(rename=(&VarName=Value));
data AttMap;
ID = "&VarName"; /* or "ID_&VarName" */
set Attrs(keep=Value);
length MarkerStyleElement $11.;
MarkerStyleElement = cats("GraphData", 1+mod(_N_-1, 12)); /* GraphData1, GraphData2, etc */
length LineStyleElement $11.;
LineStyleElement = cats("GraphData", 1+mod(_N_-1, 12)); /* GraphData1, GraphData2, etc */
proc print;
Now my attribute map contains both MarkerStyleElement and LineStyleElment columns and I can create plots that include both Markers and Lines that are mapped to specific GraphDataN values.
My plot now works exactly as expected! Great!
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