Good morning, sorry for the bother. I'm performing an analysis in SAS and I plotted a graph using the opensource code with R for the Mean-Squared Error in the forest. I would like to understand what the red, the green and the black line mean. Could you please help me? # Note that a few lines of Python or R code are added before your code; for example: # R: dm_class_input <- c("class_var_1", "class_var_2") dm_interval_input <- c("numeric_var_1", "numeric_var_2") library(randomForest) # Fit RandomForest model w/ training data dm_model <- randomForest(dm_model_formula, ntree=200, data=dm_traindf, importance=TRUE) # Save MSE plot to PNG png("rpt_forestMsePlot.png") plot(dm_model, main='randomForest Mean-Squared Error Plot') # Save VariableImportance to CSV write.csv(importance(dm_model), file="rpt_forestIMP.csv", row.names=TRUE) # Score full data dm_scoreddf <- data.frame(predict(dm_model, dm_inputdf, type="prob")) colnames(dm_scoreddf) <- c("P_Dec_Tree", "P_Dec_Tree1")
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