Hi Arthur, I was trying to do the same thing for "type" and "day" like you did for "dept", which is filling the empty cell with the value of the record about it untill the new value and so on. But without success. can you show me what the correct code should be? Thanks very much again for your help!
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Great! it runs just perfectly!! thank you so much Arthur and everyone! I just have one more question: the first column "Dept" is not populated for every single record. how can I fill the empty field with the value of the record above until the new value and so on. And lastly add a column for patient ID. Patient ID stays the same within each file since one file is for one patient. sorry I have some many questions. I really appreciate your help!! many thanks again!!!
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here is the look of all the columns. the header occours mutilple times in the file. and there are hundreds files like this so it is not realistic to manual revise all those files. thanks!!
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Hello All, how can I load this type text file(see image of part of the file below) in sas without the highlighed rows, they occure multiple times in the file. And there are hundreds of these type of file, I need to load them in to one dataset. Thanks much!!! I also attached the actual text file below:
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