I have a macro that creates 15 datasets by date from one dataset that contains 15 months of data indexed by datekey in the format yyyymmdd. It is a simple set statement with a where clause. Because I'm rewriting this code from someone else, there are already 15 individual datasets in mylib. I only want 12 rolling months of datasets. In the code I've attached, I created all 15 datasets again because I thought that would be easiest. What I'd really like going forward is to read 12 months of data from the large dataset (which I can by adjusting _N_) and delete the earliest mylib dataset that's already out there.
/*date_key is in format yyyymmdd.*/
proc sql;
create table testdata as
select distinct date_key from mylib.mth_datasets;
/*the most recent date will be id 1*/
proc sort data=testdata out=unique nodupkey;
by descending date_key:
data unique;
set unique;
data _null_;
set unique end=last;
if last then call symput('N', put(id, 3.));
%let i = 1
%macro getdata (dsn);
%do i = 1 %to &N;
data _null_;
set unique;
call symputx(cats("date_nbr"),put(intnx('month',today(),-&i,'E'), yyyymmdd.));
data mylib.mth_datasets_&date_key;
set &dsn;
where date_key = &date_nbr;
%mend getdata;
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