Hi all, thank you so much for all your responses; they are truly helpful and make me think more deeply, being aware of all models. My professor handed over the analysis conducted by the person prior and wants my result analysis to match with that person's. I tried GEE, and the results became close to the person who conducted the analysis previously. In the table, they asked me to fill out the fold change - 95%CI - P-value. I have calculated the fold change( ratio= visit6/ baseline). I used the one-sample t-test where H0=1. Based on the t-test, the results are close to hers, except for the p-value. Then, I used the log, and after that, I redid the t-test to only get the p-value where H0=0, and the result was too far from the person prior. Now, I am thinking of using GEE with the link=log. From there, I use the p-value result, as the log gives us an idea of how the hypothesis is different from zero. When I did these two steps, first the t-test, then GEE, my results relatively match with that person. Do you all think this is a valid method to use? Thanks once again!
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