Hello all, I am facing a similar issue where I am getting warning messages in the DROP statement. As far as I know, I am referencing the correct variable names. My code is copied below. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! CODE:- DATA IrisURL2 (RENAME=(x1=SepalLength x2=SepalWidth x3=PetalLength x4=PetalWidth)); LENGTH x1-x4 3 Species $15; /*length of variables=w where w=total width, including decimal places*/ INFORMAT x1-x4 3. Species $15.; /*informat/format of variables=w.d where w=total width, including decimal places*/ FORMAT x1-x4 3. Species $15.; SET IrisURL; WHERE (COMPRESS(Species)) NE 'Versicolor'; SSUM=x1+x2; SDIFF=x1-x2; PSUM=x3+x4; PDIFF=x3-x4; DROP x1 x2 x3 x4; RUN; PROC PRINT DATA=IrisURL2; TITLE 'Iris Data Trim, Project 2, STAT 5110/6110'; RUN; Kind Regards, Suhas
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